Mine: Puritan Mine, Bessemer, MI

Began → Puritan Mine → Peterson Group Mines

Operated for 55 years.

From: 1886

Owned by: Puritan Mining Co., later by Oliver Mining Co.

Location: Just west of Bessemer city limits.

Produced: Iron Ore, Hematite.

Method: Underground. 1 shaft 2,530 feet.

Railroad connection: C&NW and WC (later Soo Line)

Stamp Mill:

Until: 1941

Lifetime Production: 

Puritan Mine

Photo info: A view of the mine shaft house, power house and trestles. Ore cars are waiting to load just past the bridge. [MINART]


See Ruby Mine.

The Puritan Mine was sunk in 1886 by the Puritan Mining Company and later owned by the Oliver Mining Company, a division of U.S. Steel. Also known as the Ruby Mine. It was an underground mine located west of Bessemer. The location was the southwest 1/4 of T47N-R46N.

Time Line



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