Mine: Calumet Mine, Felch, MI (Dickenson County)

Began → Calumet Mine → Became

Operated for 4 years.

From: 1882

Owned by: Calumet Ore Company. Pickands Mather & Co. agent.

Produced: Iron Ore, hard, red, siliceous. Crushed.

Method: Underground and open pit.

Railroad connection: C&NW to port of Escanaba.

Stamp Mill: On site.

Until: 1913.

Lifetime Production: 175,917 between 1882-1913.


Calumet Mine was located three miles south of Felch, in Dickenson County. It was reached by rail from a short branch which ran southwest off the C&NW Felch Branch from Spruce.

Time Line


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