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Story - Physical Condition - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway - 1909
This Annual inspection made September 9, 10 and 11 [1909]. The line from Lansing to Jonesville is laid with 65 pound rail and is satisfactory for the traffic presented. Weeds on right-of-way not cut, fence generally satisfactory, tie renewals satisfactory , surface cattle guards in good repair, considerable ballasting is being done. Switch stands are provided with double targets, switch lights and locks. Litchfield Station neat and clean, bulletin board not dated or marked, cinder platform. The stations at Homer, Albion, Springport, Eaton Rapids, and Dimondale are all in .first class condition, including bulletin boards and [water] closets. The surface and alignment of track is satisfactory. Bridge structures in good repair, all bridges being supplied with inside steel guards. Highway crossings and crossing signs generally in satisfactory condition.
Ypsilanti Branch from Hillsdale to Manchester: This line is laid with 60 pound rail and in fair condition. The fences are generally satisfactory , new fences being built at several points along the line, at several other points fence material has been distributed for renewal of fences. Surface and alignment of track is fair, ties good. Cattle guards generally in good repair, wood surface being the standard. This line is ballasted with light grade of ballast. Highway crossings and signs in satisfactory condition, stations on this line are small, but are generally well maintained. Bridge structures generally in good repair, all being supplied with inside steel bridge guards. Weeds have not been cut.
Manchester to Jackson: The rail on this division is all 80 pound with the exception of about 13 miles between Lenawee Junction and Jackson and is in first class condition. The tie renewals have been quite extensive, practically all soft wood ties being replaced with hard wood. The right-of-way fences generally in good repair. Right-of-way generally in good condition. Track is ballasted with a good grade of ballast and the surface and alignment of track is good. The stations on this division are small, but are found to be well maintained. Switch stands are provided with double targets, switch lights and locks.
Jackson to Montgomery (Fayette Branch): The rail on this line is 80 pounds between Jackson and Haires Junction. From Haires Junction to Ft. Wayne Junction it is 60 and 65 pound and is satisfactory for the traffic presented. Switch stands are provided .with double targets and switch lights and locks. Considerable ballasting is being done on this division; Surface and alignment of track is equal for the traffic presented. Weeds on I right-of-way have not been cut. Fences fairly well maintained. Crossings and crossing signs in good repair. Passenger stations on this division well maintained. [Water] closet at Mosherville fairly well taken care of. Closet at Reading in an unsanitary condition. The platforms on this division are generally stone or cinder. Bridges in good repair, all being supplied with inside steel guards.
White Pigeon to Grand Rapids (Grand Rapids Division): The rail on this line is 65 and 70 pound steel, all in fair condition and equal for the traffic presented. The company is reballasting about 40 miles of this division this year with a superior quality of gravel. The surface of the track is fair, however, it is reasonable to believe that the surface will be much improved inside of ninety days. Fences generally satisfactory. Cattle guards in good repair. Switch stands provided with double targets, switch lights and locks. The stations on this line were found to be generally in good repair, including [water] closets, however, it was noted that Hopkins, Otsego, Plainwell and Schoolcraft are in an unsanitary condition. The platforms are generally of cinder or crushed stone. Quite a number of bridges are being rebuilt.
Main Line from White Pigeon to Adrian: The rail on this division is 80 pound steel and in good repair. The company expects next year to lay 134 miles of 100 pound rail on its main line. The track on this division is ballasted with a superior quality of ballast and the surface and alignment of track is excellent. Right-of-way fences in good repair. Weeds on right-of-way cut. Highway crossings and signs well maintained. Bridge structures in first class condition, the same being provided with inside steel guards. The stations on this division are neat and commodious, being generally of the modern architectural design and surrounded with station grounds that are a credit to the company maintaining same. Switch stands are provided with. double targets, switch light and locks.
Tecumseh to Hanover Junction on the (Dundee Branch): The rail on this division is 50, 56 and 65 pound, in fair condition, ties in fair condition, a large number of ties being distributed for renewals. Right-of- ay in fair condition. Weeds not cut. Surface and alignment of track fair. The fence on this division is generally satisfactory with two or three exceptions, stations are small but are well maintained and seem to meet the requirements of the traveling public. Considerable ballast has been distributed for reballasting. Bridges are in good repair, the same being supplied with inside steel guards.
Fayette Branch from Grosvenor to Morenci: The stations on this division are small but are well maintained. The platforms are generally cinder or crushed stone, the rail is 60 and 65 pound and in fair condition. The right-of-way is well maintained. Fences in satisfactory repair, surface and alignment of track equal for the traffic presented, fair grade of ballast being used for the ballasting of the track, ties in good condition, bridge structures in good repair and provided with inside steel guards. Highway crossings and signs well maintained.
Lenawee Junction to Monroe: The rail on .this division is 60 and 65 pound. Surface and alignment of track is good. Track well ballasted with a superior quality of ballast. Right-of-way fences in good repair, right-of-way neat and clean, special attention having been given to same and it was found to be the cleanest right-of-way on any division of the system. Bridge structures are in good repair, same being provided with inside bridge guards. Bridge at Petersburg has been rebuilt. The stations on this division are small but seem to meet the requirements of the public. On examination of same we found they were all well maintenance including [water] closets. Platforms are generally of cinder or crushed stone. The platform at Monroe will be renewed within sixty days. Switch stands are provided with double targets, switch lights and locks. Highway crossings and signs in good repair.
Monroe to Detroit (Toledo Division): The rail on this division is in good condition and well maintained. Right-of-way and fences well maintained. Highway crossings and signs in good condition. Stations at South Rockwood and Wyandotte in first class condition. Surface and alignment of track excellent. Bridge structures in good repair and are provided with inside guard rails. Weeds on right-of-way cut. Fences generally in good repair. Switch stands provided with double targets, switch lights and locks. The blocking of frogs and switches on the entire system was found to be in fair condition. Farm crossing gates in a number of instances were found to be open. Passenger trains are blocked a station apart, freight trains allowed to follow on caution card given by train dispatcher. Trains operated under the standard code with the addition of a third order. The general condition of this property is found to be satisfactory with the exceptions as noted therein.
[From the 1909 Annual Report of the Michigan Railroad Commission, State Library of Michigan.]
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI