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Timetable: M&NE - Honor Branch - Platte River to Honor and Empire Jct.
This was a short M&NE forest branch line extending from the main line west to Honor and Empire Junction. This was also known as the Platte River Branch.
Station | MP from Clarey | Notes |
Platte River | 0 | |
Fewins | 2 | |
Allyn | 4 | |
Hayes | 7 | |
Cruse (State Road) | 9 | |
Honor | 11 | |
Acha's | 14 | |
Empire Junction | 17 | |
Note Key: BB=Bascule Bridge | C=Coal | CS=Car Shop | D=Open > Day | DN=Open Day and night | DS=Dispatcher | DT=Double Main Track | EH=Engine house | F=Diesel Fuel | HI=Half Interlocked Crossing | I=Interlocked Crossing | J=Junction | LB=Lift bridge | N=Open at night | P=Passing Track w/40' car capacity | Q=Quarry | RH=Roundhouse # stalls | RT=Railroad Resort | S=Scales | SB=Swing bridge | T=Turntable | TC=Telegraph call | W=Water | X=Crossing | Y=Wye | Yard=Yard
[REF] =
Time Line
1923. The MPSC advised the railroad's receiver that an inspection of the Honor Branch reveals that the bridges along the branch are unsafe. Five in number over the Platt River are in such bad decay they cannot be repaired and must be replaced. The ties on the branch are of soft wood, being Hemlock, Cedar and Tamarack. To make the trach safe, 50% must be replaced. The railroad was ordered to show cause how it will fix the situation or discontinue service on the until they are put in the proper condition. [MPSC-1923]
1924 - Before the MICHIGAN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. In the Matter of the Application of the Michigan Trust Company, Receiver of the Manistee and Northeastern Railroad Company to Abandon the Honor Branch of Said Railroad. D-1818. April 25, 1924.
Application having been made to this Commission for leave to aban don the Honor Branch of the Manistee and Northeastern Railroad Company, and an application having been made to the Interstate Commerce Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, authorizing the abandonment of the Honor Branch of said railroad company; and the Interstate Commerce Commission on February 11, 1924, having authorized the abandonment of the Honor Branch of the said Manistee and Northeastern Railroad Company; and this Commission having heard the testimony in relation to said abandonment and given the matter due consideration,Now, THEREFORE It is ORDERED by the Michigan Public Utilities Commission, that said Michigan Trust Company, Receiver of the Manistee and Northeastern Railroad Company be and it is hereby authorized to abandon the Honor Branch of the said Manistee and Northeastern Railroad Company, provided, however, that any material, supplies, or forest products now delivered to said railroad for carriage, shall be removed before said abandonment shall take effect.
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI